Tiki Tuesday Question Lounge for 8/26

Tiki Tuesday

Welcome folks, this is the thread to ask questions for our next Tiki Tuesday liveshow, at 3pm on the 26th. Please check previous threads to see if the question you have has been answered by us already. A QUESTION for you all: what is your favorite comedy movie of the 1980s?

Oahu was a fantastic place to visit and I’ll share some videos and pictures during the live show.
Some replica tikis based on the originals kept at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu
Aloha Shirts
Bailey’s: The biggest repository of vintage Hawaiian shirts I’ve ever seen.
The TIkis
Some pictures from the Tikis, a modern Polynesian inspired bar/restaurant.
Album of the week: Hawaiian Tiki Luau. Probably shared this before, but this is what I was listening to when listening or driving around Waikiki

For the recipe of the week: SPAM MUSUBI
In Oahu, this was as common as a hot dog and a tasty snack-to-go.

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